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Call for Papers

Participants are invited to share innovative strategies for exploring group-robot interactions, providing a fresh and insightful viewpoint to: (1) using social robots for understanding group dynamics; (2) designing robots able to interact with groups. Also, the discussion will involve the ethical implications of researching group dynamics, including potential negative outcomes such as biases towards group members.

Topics of interests include but are not limited to:

  • Understanding group dynamics through the use of social robots.
  • Promoting natural communication, mutual understanding and trust in human-robot mixed groups.
  • Adaptation and personalization to groups.
  • Learning strategies for autonomous behaviors of robots in groups.
  • Designing social robots able to interact with groups.
  • Modelling, understanding and predicting group behaviors.
  • Exploring different robot’s roles (e.g., peer, teacher, helper or friend) in group interactions.
  • Gamification in multiparty human-robot interactions.
  • Interdisciplinary collaborations between roboticists, game designers, psychologists, and sociologists.
  • Novel experimental designs for conducting group-robot interaction research.
  • Ethical considerations in researching group dynamics and potential biases or negative consequences.

These topics are meant to be suggestive and not exhaustive, contributions to other relevant topics will also be taken into consideration, as long as they fit with the general theme of the workshop.

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: 31st of May 10th of June 18th of June
  • Notification of Acceptance: 10th of June 21st of June
  • Camera Ready: 1st of July 1st of July
  • Poster Camera Ready (Up to A1, Portrait format): 8th of July

Submission Procedure

Submission format: (2-4 pages + references)

Please submit your contribution on EasyChair, using the predefined LateX or Word templates.

The submitted contribution must be written in English and do not need to be anonymized (single-blind review process). A panel of experts from relevant fileds will be asked to review the contributions, selecting the most relevant, novel, original and high-quality ones to be included in the workshop program.
The contributions may include work in progress with preliminary results, technical reports, case studies, surveys, and state-of-the-art research.
Authors are invited to present their contribution in the form of posters after a short pitch to the audience, to facilitate open discussion in groups. The best poster will be awarded a 200$ reimbursement kindly granted by the Technical Committee for Cognitive Robotics. Also, they will be offered the option of having their papers uploaded to a workshop-specific archive in an open-access repository (e.g., arXiv).

Furthermore, the authors will will be invited to submit an extended version of their contribution to the follow-up Special Issue on “Group-Robot Interaction” to be published in the Journal of Interaction Studies. See the dedicated page for more information.

For any inquiry, please contact us at workshop.ground{at}

Banner designed by Stevenson Blake. "Scribbly Robot Frands". May, 2021.